So a student at Queen’s was killed last week when he fell from the side of a campus building. The National Post headline, complete with subtle editorializing:
3-storey fall kills ‘skilled’ mountaineer
Something up with Which I Will Not Put
The OLD blog by Maggie
So a student at Queen’s was killed last week when he fell from the side of a campus building. The National Post headline, complete with subtle editorializing:
3-storey fall kills ‘skilled’ mountaineer
He was buildering (climbing on a building) way too high. First of all, buildering is illegal most places. Second, wtf was he doing so high? Third, he didn’t have a spotter.
The headline should have read “3-storey fall kills ‘shit-for-brains’ poseur,” but I guess some respect for the dead should be given.
It’s dicks like him who cause problems for other climbers.
Yeah. What would have been wrong with just calling him, oh, I don’t know, “a student”?
Sounds even more dangerous than fishing.
Warning- gravity kills- no sympathy for climbers, skydivers, or skiers.
Watch out- that’s the world pulling you back down again.
I really enjoy reading your articles. Keep up the great work.
Check that off the list of things I was cnofsued about.
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