Things that are in bad taste:

~ wearing a black trench coat and combat boots to school the next day.
~ wearing a t-shirt with a target on it to school the next day.
~ discussing the emotional/psychological trauma of the man who did this as if you were the only person to whom it has occured that he must have been ‘troubled’.
~ criticizing the administrators for their lack of preparedness/slow response/lack of visibility/etc.
Believe it or not, I have witnessed all of these in the last day and a half.
The last one really gets my goat – there are people who have the cajones to take the Dawson administration to task because the admin didn’t make a press statement right away, or because the admin didn’t make an announcement on the PA, or because the admin weren’t out there helping the police, and so on.
What unmitigated gall.
Does it not occur to such critics that the adminstration is composed of people? People who were as dazed and confused on Wednesday afternoon as the rest of the people trapped in that building? People who were either running for their lives or taking shelter under desks, waiting for hours to get an all-clear? People who followed police orders to evacuate?
On the other hand, I have also witnessed students hugging each other in the hallways; teachers hugging each other, too (and we’re significantly less prone to PDAs); and letters of support, prayer and hope. One of my students showed me her poem, written yesterday, and brought tears to my eyes. A few of my students have stayed away from school, but the vast majority are in class, subdued, but moving forward.

The morning after

Thanks for your comments on the previous post; so far I have heard from two of my Dawson friends, and both are fine. They both thought to send group e-mail messages – the Internet is a wonderful thing.
JB mentioned being a Cegep student in December, 1989, when Marc Lepine gunned down 14 women at the Ecole Polytecnique. I was a student here at Vanier in ’89, and I remember only too well. Right now, we have extra security on campus, and there are meetings in progress to discuss whether or not we should have more security on a permanent basis.
Colin had nightmares last night about the incident.
When things like this happen, we often hear people describing their reaction as feeling “helpless” – I think we mean helpless in a psychological, emotional sense. We can ‘help’ – many already have, such as the Concordia people, who sheltered Dawson students, gave them Metro tickets and used their shuttle bus to get students to the nearest open Metro station. Hema-Quebec is organizing blood drives to buffer the supply, especially of type O-.
But when I stood in front of my two classes this morning, or when I looked into my son’s eyes last night, I felt helpless.
I tried to express to my students that as teachers and staff here at Vanier, most of us also have friends at Dawson. We are asking the same questions; we are feeling the same emotions; we are thinking the same thoughts. All we can do is… be “we.”
What do I say to my children? My students, it’s sad to say, are worldly enough now to know that sometimes, life gets ugly. How do I talk about this with my boys, who still see the world in terms of good guys and bad guys, a place where the people who get shot have done something wrong?
UPDATES TO YESTERDAY’S POST: For the fact-checkers, the news reports today state that the shooter was killed by the police and did not kill himself, although one report claimed that he turned his gun on himself after being wounded by police. The young woman who was killed was an 18-year-old student. The 20 other wounded are being treated at area hospitals; six of the victims are still listed as “critical,” two of them extremely so.

Checking in

I have no words, really, to express the myriad emotions I/we are experiencing.
I am posting for no other reason than to reassure friends and family who may have only sketchy details of today’s events. There was a fatal shooting at Dawson College, a Cegep in downtown Montreal. A young man with a gun shot several people; at least 20 are in hospital and one young woman is dead. The shooter is also dead, apparently by a self-inflicted wound.
I have many friends who work at Dawson, and I am worried about the ones I haven’t heard from. If things had played out differently, I might have been there – but I chose to teach at Vanier College, instead, and now I am thankful that I made that decision. I suspect many of my colleagues are feeling the same way. It’s a weird mix of relief, horror and sadness.

Off to a good start

Last night was the first class of my Cont. Ed. course, which means I have now taught at least one class of all four of this semester’s courses.
Tuesdays are going to be long days this term; I teach Montreal Writers from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., then I have a really, really long break, and I teach Cracking the Code from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Then I somehow manage to drive home (NB ~ you may want to avoid the Decarie Expressway on Tuesday evenings) and collapse.
Thankfully, I don’t teach at all on Wednesdays, so theoretically I can sleep in and spend the day recuperating. Theoretically.
The real saving grace is that the World’s Greatest Mother-in-Law (TM) is with us until the end of October, and she does things like meet the kids at the bus stop after school and feed the family.
Other than Tuesdays, my schedule this term is really very good; I am home in time to pick up the kids three days out of five, and home in time for supper four days. And the long break on Tuesdays is a pretty good time for correcting and planning, which will come in handy since every single one of my courses is filled to capacity, and at least two of them are overfull.
The students are wonderful (so far), and now that the first class is out of the way for each course, my traditional beginning-of-term tummy butterflies have flown away and I am really enjoying the classes.
Now all I have to do is try to match 138 student faces to their names…

Taking another byte

I spent most of my day today setting this up in time for the fall semester – which is only nine days away now!
I couldn’t resist the turtle…
As always, feedback is welcome. I’m particularly interested in hearing how colours appear on other monitors.

Home, sweet home (page)

I’m back, both physically and virtually. We lost our domain for a couple of days, but all has been sorted.
I left Halifax in the wee hours this morning, and I’ve been home (!!!) for a few hours now, just kind of wandering around the house revelling in being here. Thanks to my intrepid brother, both my car and my cat were waiting for me upon my arrival. Heidi and I are getting reacquainted, and since groceries are in order, I’ll be in touch with the car soon.
There are still many photos from Halifax and environs to come – for now, please enjoy these photos from our whale-watching expedition:

What? You don’t see anything?
Yes, dear readers, I went whale-watching with Samuel Beckett, apparently. Over two hours on a converted lobster boat, getting so much salt in my hair that I actually had to lather, rinse and repeat, and not one whale.
Nor did we see any dolphins.
Or fish of any description, other than a trapped ocean perch.
No harbour seals, either.
And when they pulled up the lobster trap, in a last valiant effort to find us something to look at, no lobster.
So we saw: one ocean perch, one rock crab, and two white crabs, all of whom were trapped in the lobster trap – which was located in the actual harbour, about five minutes from the dock.
This is not to say that the expedition was not worthwhile – it was great to be in a small, low boat in the vast expanse of sea, and if nothing else, it was very entertaining to watch the tour guide get more and more frantic about finding stuff for us to look at. For instance, he pointed out “Whale Back Rock,” and a lovely flock of cormorants. I can’t imagine what he would have done if the lobster trap had been empty.

What I did on my summer vacation

My latest godson, Joshua Adam O’Keefe, in his lovingly knit blankie, with his dad, John
Finally got connected – just in time for supper. Updates, photos, narrative ramblings, all this and more to come.
I think we can all agree that I must be relaxed if I was able to live offline for five days. Vacations are awesome!

Somebody wake up that dog

The end is in sight! One more class of oral presentations this evening, and two workshops on Monday, then the summer semester is over!
Of course, I am faced with the usual towering pile of essays – but I have taken Vicky’s advice: I am telling my students to let me know if they want comments; otherwise, I’m just reading and marking. I managed to knock off five of them this afternoon!
If all goes well, I’ll be finished marking by next Tuesday, if not earlier. Someone needs to tell Snoopy get ready for the traditional end-of-semester Happy Dance.

Two more weeks, two more weeks…

I’m in correcting hell.
I have completed five courses in the Master of Education program, including one specifically on assessment, and I still cannot make myself like marking. If anything, the course on assessment has made correcting even more heinous, since I am now convinced that copious feedback is essential, and timely feedback even more so…
…which means that still having my students’ mid-term essays in my possession one week after the fact makes me feel like I am somehow cheating them out of something…
…which means that I am desperately ploughing through about 110 750-word essays this weekend, giving each and every one a thorough going-over with my highlighter and pen, trying to keep my handwriting legible after eight hours…
…which is why I called my friend Marianne this afternoon – she, too, is a teacher, and is teaching a course right now, and she’s a mom, too, and she’s studying too (although she’s finishing her doctoral dissertation, so she’s kinda one-upped me). I called her for a chat and commiseration. Naturally, when her husband answered the phone…
I forgot her name.
Now, this woman is not a casual acquaintance. We have seen each other in yoga pants. But for the life of me, I could not remember her name.
To my credit, if I had called my sister instead, chances are I would have forgotten her name. It’s probably a good thing I didn’t call whatshername, in that case.
Thankfully, I do know Marianne’s husband, so I made small talk with him while I desperately searched my so-called brain for the required data. Thankfully, also, I had no trouble remembering her last name, so I just had to keep plugging away at the [blank] Surname formula, and eventually my brain rebooted and I was able to ask relatively normally to speak with Marianne.
Of course, by then her husband probably thought I was drunk, but hey, marking is hell.