Olive leaf, my a**

When it comes to things like the Olympics, I am a total sucker. I absolutely buy the whole shebang. The athletes are heroes. The organizers altruistic. The world is a happy, fit, peaceful place to live. Sigh.
I watched every minute of the opening ceremonies, and felt a vicarious thrill for each and every one of the 202 competing nations, whether they had one athlete or hundreds. I am aware that in the grand scheme of things, whether or not some one can dive without a splash or toss a javelin way far is, frankly, irrelevant. But still. There’s something about the Olympics that makes me care that we have athletes like Alexandre Despatie, Emilie Heymans, Ian Millar, and Maryse Turcotte.
Having said that, the cynic in me insists on pointing out that the Olympic flame is, I’m sorry, a giant flaming penis.


From the waist down, I’m very happy.*
I set out today, with the world’s greatest mother-in-law in tow, to find a pair of really good walking sandals for the upcoming trip to New Orleans.** Prior to departure (to the shoe stores) I did some research into good walking sandals, then off we went.
Well, I tried on North Face sandals. I tried on Rockport sandals. I tried on Ecco sandals. I tried on Merrell sandals. I tried on Mephisto sandals – and man, if I were a rich man… but I’m not.
Then I went to Winner’s and bought myself a pair of men’s boxer briefs. They’re the antidote to the flippy skirt thong. I went into the mall toilet, changed, and continued shopping.
Eventually, I found a great pair of sandals from Merrell – they look kinda like this, but not quite. I knew they were the right pair when I put them on and immediately felt better. I nearly kissed the sales guy. My feet are happy.
Better yet, the underwear is amazing. The waist is comfortable, the leg is comfortable and doesn’t cut into my thigh, and nothing rides up! This is the perfect underwear to wear under skirts, and I’m betting it’ll keep my butt a little warmer in deepest winter, too. So from now on, thongs or men’s boxer briefs, and nothing else.
*Actually, I’m pretty happy from the waist up, too, given that the world’s greatest m-in-l has just handed me my second spiced rum ‘n’ Coke.
**What? I didn’t mention the trip to New Orleans? oops! Nutshell: Dr. T., me, New Orleans, 10 days, leaving July 28, NO KIDS, bring on the blackened fish and the swamp tour, baby!

Modern times

According to the Chicago Public Library, the tenth anniversary is traditionally the tin or aluminum anniversary.
In modern times, the appropriate gift is diamonds.
This seems a little pessimistic – are we to assume that modern marriages have no chance of lasting 60 years (traditionally, the 60th is the Diamond Anniversary)?
Well, Dr. T., if we live another 50 years, we’ll get diamonds. Today, we can line up a bunch of tin cans on the fence and throw rocks or something.
Happy anniversary. (K)


Current population of our house:
1 4-year old boy (human (reportedly))
1 6-year old boy (human)
1 adult male (human)
3 adult females (one maggie, one mother-in-law, one aunt-in-law, all more or less human)
1 nursing female with 4 babies (raccoon)
To the left of the mother, look closely - two heads
Well, at least some one’s using the upstairs balcony

Things I’ve learned while biking

1. “Clunk” is almost never a good sound.
2. If you pull over on the road to adjust something using a screwdriver, make sure you’re not stopped directly over a sewer grate.*
3. If you pull over, chances are that at least one person will stop to offer help – and really mean it. The lovely woman who helped me get my chain sorted out this morning even offered me her rag to clean my hands.
*On a related note, if anyone finds a red-handled Phillips floating in the toilet bowl, please let me know.