So, six days ago I had my interview at Dawson College. Five days ago, they called and asked for reference letters, which were provided at remarkable speed from both Champlain and Vanier (thanks again!). Since then, I’ve been keeping my phone nearby at all times, just in case.
Classes start today. No phone call. Sigh.
Internet humour
Age of innocence
I just overheard Colin, the eight-year-old, explaining the concept of French kissing to Robert, the six-year-old.
The good news is that they are both absolutely disgusted.
Home, sweet home
Well, we’re home, and happy and tired and grouchy and tired and hungry and tired and happy and tired and… you get the idea.
Pictures are up, more to follow, perhaps.
24 hours from now, we’ll be on a plane, homeward bound.
We’ve had a great visit, about which I will write later – I was unable to successfully connect the laptop and have been forced to use a Mac (!!) for the two weeks I’ve been here, and somehow blogging isn’t the same on an unfamiliar keuvoard. Or rather, keyboard.
So, pictures and anecdotes are on the agenda for next week, as are laundry, unpacking, starting the next M.Ed. course, and an interview at Dawson College (I got a call from them as I was trying on shoes at the local Clarks store). In the meantime, we’re enjoying our last few hours with the UK branch of the family – but I’m also really starting to look forward to seeing my house and my cat and my Mum and my friends and my bed and my car. I’ll even enjoy the snow for a day or two.
Happy Holidays!!
About 10 hours from now, we’ll be on a plane…
About 16.5 hours from now, we’ll be getting off said plane…
About 18 hours from now, we’ll be here.
Aside from the packing, life is good.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Lisa
She’s real! And she’s not secretly a spotty fourteen-year-old boy trying to meet mature women!
Dina and I met with Lisa, Paul and Jack for a lovely brunch on a very, very snowy day here in Montreal. The whole family is lovely, and Jack has the best baby hair ever.
Colin and Robert got to come too, since it’s a snow day! Whee!!
Thanks to modern technology, I was able not only to take this picture with my cel phone, but also to mail it from the phone to Flickr.
And let’s not forget that without modern technology, Dina and I would never have “met” Lisa at all. So three cheers for high tech!
Bear with me
Sorry, new camera phone.
I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon.