For the undecided among us, comes a quiz to help determine which federal party best speaks for our interests.
Apparently, I’m actually an NDP-er, 100%.
Close second? The Bloq, at 80%. I scored 73% Liberal.
The only reassuring result was the 7% I scored for the Conservatives. So I can continue to sneer sardonically at Harper. Phew.
Via Shatnerian
100% NDP
56% Bloke
44% Liberal (Who would have thought)
25% Nazis ( Probably because I feel we should send the Al Quaida bastards back where they came from.)
I’m starting to think that the quiz is rigged – has anyone scored less than 100% NDP? Or are we all, to a (wo)man, bleeding heart, small-l liberals?
Ah well, my mother used to point out that the NDP came up with the social program which the Liberals then adopted. Them Liberals were always a pragmatic bunch.