C’est la guerre

I saw another Bush league campaign ad the other day – this one was anti-Kerry, rather than pro-Bush. According to the ad, Kerry is “wrong on terrorism” because he supported the idea of waiting for UN support for an Iraqi invasion.
What a bad man.
The latest Republican slur against Kerry, in the ongoing attempt to make him look bad, is that people outside of America like and support him. That can only be bad, right?
Specifically, the GOP accuses Kerry of having family in Europe – France, damningly – and of having the support of the European media:

“Some of John Kerry’s most ardent fans are not only not Democrats – they’re not American. EUROPE WOULD VOTE FOR KERRY, blared a recent headline in a German newspaper – about the time an Italian news magazine was describing the Democratic front runner as the reincarnation of John F. Kennedy. The left-wing French daily Liberation announced that Kerry was ‘the kind of American we like.’”
Europeans? French left-wingers? JFK?
The man is obviously the Devil.
Furthermore, the GOP claims that Kerry has the support of North Korea, but only because “North Korea, whose state-run economy is in shambles, may be waiting to see if Kerry wins in hopes it can once again use its nuclear scare to extort more aid from the US and others.”
Of course, the quote is from an editorial that appeared in the Christian Science Monitor… and that editorial is just as critical of the Republican stance on North Korea, which is “inconclusive” and no more likely to solve the problem.
All of this is from the third installment of the John Kerry: International Man of Mystery series on the GOP website. Apparently, the Republicans believe that American voters do not want a president who can talk to European leaders or reporters – and God forbid he should know another language!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Kerry is bilingual – he spent summers with his French cousins, and attended a Swiss boarding school. He speaks French. He’s related to French people. He probably – although this has not been confirmed – eats French toast.