For a while now, Dr. T and I have been into wine (which apparently makes us all hip and trendy). We’ve got a pretty well-stocked wine cellar, a few books, and at least three decanters.
We’ve also invested in good glasses. Initially, we bought a dozen water glasses, which were the right size and shape for most of the wines we enjoy.
We really liked these glasses – but of the original dozen, we have about five left.
So we did some more research – there are some pretty pricy glasses out there, let me tell you. We found a nice compromise with these Italian chardonnay glasses.
They’re a little bigger than the water glasses, and a little heavier, but they are lovely, and, we thought, sturdy.
Ha. Turns out that if exposed to a room full of drunken English teachers who happen to be flinging digital cameras around, these babies will crack like an egg.
Despite the loss, a good fantastic time was had by all. Thanks, ladies – you can come break more stuff anytime.
I am SO SORRY!! But it was fun!
Seriously, you have to stop apologizing! I had a blast, and I am more than willing to sacrifice a glass to that cause.
I would much rather lose the occasional bit of crystal than turn into Hyacinth Bucket, trust me. You’re worth more to me than a glass!