In the heart of St-Henri, in the footsteps of Jean, Florentine, Emmanuel & Rose Anna
A dozen students from my Montreal Writers class joined me for a walking tour of the St-Henri neighbourhood this morning. We have just finished reading and discussing Gabrielle Roy’s The Tin Flute, which is set in this area of Montreal.
This class is one of those classes that teachers rave about. The group dynamic is positive and energizing; I love that I teach this class on Fridays – I always end the week on a high note.
Nonetheless, when I suggested a walk through St-Henri, I expected a subdued response. After all, Saturday mornings are precious – what student wants to spend one with the teacher? So I was touched, amazed, thrilled when ten students and two “guest” students showed up at the Atwater Market this morning.
We had a great time, and I think we even managed to learn a little about the area. Maybe. At the very least, we’ve introduced Kelvin to pumpkin pie.
So thank you, Nick, Dina, Kelvin, Matt, Rebecca, Alex, Rupal, Raihab, Balal and Gilbert – and Francesca and Tara – for reminding me how much I love my job, even on a Saturday morning.
Rebecca, by the way has graciously allowed me to share her poem, a reaction to the Dawson shooting. I’ve included it here.
___That Morning_
It is the morning
The morning after the Dawson shooting
The air is thick and suffocating
The wind wavering
The sky above dark and darkening
Church bells in the distance forcing
The police car sirens warning
The Canadian and Quebec flag limping
In the blowing
The silence deafening
The fearing uncertainty of others circling
CTV cameramen questioning
Are you fearing?
Hands shaking
Eyes averting
Smiles disappearing
Lonesome people secluding
Tears flowing from those who are mourning
Feet ready for running
Minds already alerting
For a quick exiting
Adrenaline increasing
Students questioning
Is it safe to go for learning?
Is it safe?
Is this only the beginning?
The question “why” sounding
By Rebecca Stewart
I love to hear and read you talk about your job, you truly love it, you are good at it, and it’s amazing that you can infect so many others with your enthusiasm. Big hoorays to you 🙂
well, thank u too for giving up your saterday morning to spend teaching :), it was a fun way to actually see the places in a book, i’m a big dork that way and I love to be in places where celebs or charcters i’ve read in books have stood or done something. SO…THANK U!!!!!
I liked the “field trip” a lot,and I truly appreciate you taking your own personal time to do a school thing instead of having a breakfast with your family on a saturday morning. I’m really touched! When you mentioned it in class that we’re going to have a tour in St. Henri I thought you were only joking. As all the teachers don’t like students interfering their personal life/ free time. Btw thank you so much for letting me enter your class when I’m 30 min. late. I’ll try my best to be on time!
Just wanted to let you know that I had a blast last Saturday. It was if we had all known each other for years. We had so much fun. I’ve put my pumpkin in my fridge hoping that the coolness will increase its life span. I love that pumpkin. I love the fact you’re so down to earth. Thank you for putting your Saturday aside for aswell. You’ve made English exciting for me. I appreciate it. Can’t wait for Little Italy!