In space, no one can hear you scream

See, here’s the thing. I am a teacher. A professor, as it were. As such, my job is to profess.
Using my voice.
Which appears, at the moment, to be leaving me.
I don’t know what I did, voice, but you can’t leave me. I need you.
Whatever it was, I’m sorry.

9 Replies to “In space, no one can hear you scream”

  1. I don’t know whether to assure you of my sympathies, as I’ve been sick all week, coughing up my toenails; or to say, “Awww, kwitcherbellyakin!” The first response comes from the warmhearted, kind, compassionate, nurturing, caring Vicki. The second is from the ol’ grouch who’s tired of being sick and stuck at home. Choose the one you like best.

  2. Clare – yay! I can blame this on the PCs!
    Vicki – listen, woman, I’ve taught three classes at half volume, two of them at 8 a.m. AND I was up until midnight last night, correcting essays to hand back this morning (at 8 a.m.). So I think I’ll have to opt for the first Vicki 😉
    Pat/C – the World’s Greatest Mother-in-Law (TM) made me a hot rum toddy on Wednesday night. I love her.

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