My name is Margaret

Literal meaning
“The big tree next to the other equally sized tree.”
Taken from the underworld slang for “Stop kicking me to death, I left the money with friends” on the eve of a Tuesday, the name Margaret was originally used ineffectually to refer to unsettlingly enthusiastic night soil collectors, before undergoing surgery by Government linguists.
Famous Margarets
1. Margaret Nightdodge, exposed in the press as having swapped a child for the world’s sturdiest box; first holder of the office of Queen’s Own Loan Shark;
2. Margaret du Happenstance, who discovered the lost consonant of Atlatis;
3. Margaret F Lilly Li, BA, MD, champion of a nice cup of tea;
4. Margaret M de Millington, first victim of the self-propelled gardener;
5. Margaret du Jesus-Thews, aroused by demanding money with menaces;
6. Chief Scientist Margaret Tube, who could never shake an early association with the definitive manual on drowning; first holder of the office of Gross Miscarriager of Justice;
7. Margaret Tidecatcher, of the generation which fondly remembers Britain’s standards; first holder of the office of Chancellor of the Eggs Checker;
8. Margaret du Tinkermouse, who lost a fortune on several of the more violent gypsy curses;
9. Margaret Sprokes, opponent of the concept of acceptable losses;
10. Margaret de la Grating, named in court as holding compromising material concerning Paul McCartney’s Wings; ghost-writer of Lady Macbeth’s poorly bound autobiography, FEAR MY MOP; first holder of the office of Lord Mayor’s Official Stenciller.
Typical Margaret motto
“A draughty child is always better shut up.”
The Name Meaning Generator, via Dina

10 Replies to “My name is Margaret”

  1. This is gonna sound strange coming from a professional comedian but, even after going to the site, I don’t get any of this.

  2. If by “any of this” you’re referring to the post AND the subsequent comments, please note that the comments from and to Lyle are not directly related to the post.

  3. No. The comments I get. It’s the postings and the site I’m talking about. I feel like I’m lost in surreal land. Unless there’s some point of reference I’m missing here.

  4. Surreal is not funny? I think it’s just meant to be a take-off on any of several ultra-British heritage-oriented journals.
    The name meanings are funny (to me) just because they do strongly resemble sincere name etymological histories I’ve encountered.
    Oh, well, to each his own. The soundproof booth is still much funnier, in case you’re worried 😀

  5. Thanks. We could fill this blog with discussions of comedy theory for days. Suffice it to say, though, that there’s a big difference between “I don’t get it” and “That’s not funny”.

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