George W. is in the midst of his second inauguration. Yesterday’s “celebrity-studded, flag-waving extravaganza, “Saluting Those Who Serve,” was a roller-coaster of emotional ups and downs. For instance, “family members of soldiers killed in combat had brief speaking roles, and satellite links enabled U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to participate as well.”
This morning, I was woken by the CBC news coverage of this event, including a clip of a young boy, who gave his name, and that of his father, who was killed in Iraq. Call me a cynic, but doesn’t this kind of presentation just feel like blatant propaganda? Bush is just lucky that none of these family members, in their brief speaking roles, chose to say “my dad is dead, and it’s your fault.” Regardless of whether or not one supports the general idea of the War on Terror, using the family members of the dead is nothing short of exploitation. đŸ˜›
I’m sure that luck had nothing to do with it. Anyone speaking at this kind of an event is undoubtly very carefully screened in advance. Plus I’m sure they have delays and such so that they can cut off anyone who starts making sudden spontaneous “Bush is a liar!” rants. Sadly, the satellite link-ups are the only really new element here. Wars have been justified in this manner for a very long time. And what’s with Kelsey Grammer hosting part of this event? I mean, sure, Hilary Duff has right wing hawk written all over her so no one’s surprised there. But Kelsey Grammer?
The conclusion I draw is that the Yankee Doodles must enjoy the slaughter of their youth and mortgaging of their future because they re-elected Dubya. Thankfully, God is on their side so things should like, you know, work out if they just pray a lot.
Say what you will, I hope Saddam was watching televised footage of the election today, with its celebrations. The only real surprise for me is that the liberal American networks are actually showing the celebrations, along with footage of some of the oldsters who have spent most, if not all, of their lives longing for the opportunity to vote in a free election.