Leave it to our litigious neighbours to the south. A class-action suit has been filed “on behalf of all Americans” against Janet “this boob’s for you” Jackson:
Terri Carlin, a 47-year-old Knoxville bank employee, contends that Jackson’s exposure and other “sexually explicit conduct” during halftime festivities caused viewers to “suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury.”
Also named in the suit: Justin Timberlake, CBS, MTV and Viacom. Apparently the Patriots and the Panthers are not being held accountable for the outrage, anger, and embarrassment, although the serious injury charge might stick.
Via Tenorman
I will grant you that this is a case of nonnewsworthiness, and that just thinking about that massive piercing makes certain bits of my anatomy cringe, but I still say I’d rather be exposed (pardon the pun) to Janet’s boob than Michael’s face.