Just what is the point?
Yesterday I got the distinct impression that one of my colleagues was having a bad day – my naturally keen senses picked up on the subtle signs, which included slamming doors and saying things like “I’m fed up.”
So, in an effort to make this person’s morning a little brighter, I took a few minutes at the end of the work day to take care of a couple of little things that otherwise would have been up to this person. I figured that at least today would have a slightly brighter start than yesterday.
Reaction? Nothing. Nada. No thank yous, no sighs of relief, zilch. In fact, I got the feeling that this person was not entirely impressed with the way in which I did these little things – all of which are things I’ve done before, the same way, to rounds of applause and gushing gratitude.
End result: now both of us are grumbly. Hmph.
Of course, the moral of the story is f— the rest of the world, they don’t appreciate you anyway.
People are not getting along today. Must be something in the stars. Still, you have the satisfaction of doing something good.
I wonder if the usual February blahs are hitting a little early this year?
The purchases I make are entirely based on these aritlces.
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