My career is careering.
Originally, I was offered two courses for next semester. Registration, which is still underway, has thankfully filled both courses, and they will both go ahead. However, one of my colleagues, who has permanence, has lost a course due to poor enrolment. As a result, she gets one of my courses, since I’m at the bottom of the seniority/priority list. However, this same colleague is being wooed by an international aid organization for a position in Belgrade. She believes she’ll find out by the end of this week if the organization is willing to meet her salary demand. If so, then not only would I keep both my courses, but I would also get one of hers.
The other scenario is that registration will prove that another section of English for the Social Sciences is required. That extra section would go to said colleague, leaving me with the original two courses.
In the meantime, AUGHGHGHGH, as Lucy would say.